Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of the Rotary motto: Service Above Self.
What is an Interact Club?
An Interact club is a high school Rotary club sponsored by a local Rotary club and/or a Secondary School. Students, age 12-18 join together – with teacher and Rotary advisers – to tackle issues in their community they care most about. Interact clubs undertake hands-on service projects, make international connections, develop leadership skills, and have a blast.
How can you join an Interact Club?
Rotary International Resources
- Interact Guide for Rotary Club sponsors and Advisers
- The safety of youth is paramount in any Rotary-related activity.
Read Rotary International’s Statement of Conduct while working with youth in the Rotary Youth Protection Guide. - Visit the Interact website page for full information

Why start and support an Interact Club?
Since youth are the future of Rotary, every club should be interested in starting and supporting an Interact Club at a secondary school in their community. Rotarians are role models of service, and as professionals, are uniquely suited to mentor young people in leadership skills. Also, young people bring energy and extra hands to any service project – increasing your club’s impact locally and internationally.
How to start and support an Interact club
The first step to establishing a successful Interact club is finding a club member willing to work with young people. A member with children attending the local secondary school is often a good choice, but keep in mind when his or her children graduate, you may lose your Rotarian adviser. Think about continuity as your club board makes this decision.
The second key step is to contact the Secondary School Principal. He or she may not be willing immediately to host another service club, especially if he or she must find the teacher adviser. So your club may need to find a teacher adviser first, through contacts in the PTA or community.
Teacher advisers are critical to the longevity and impact of any Interact club, so take care to adequately explain the service commitment. Teachers will generally know how to attract and keep members of a club, but make sure your club is willing to actively support – with time and money – the activities of this budding club.
Involve the teacher and the Interactors in your club service and social activities and encourage your club members to be involved in Interact activities as well.
How to charter your Interact club & update info annually
Once you’ve organized your members and elected officers, you can apply for a charter from Rotary International. No fee is required. Here’s what to do:
- Complete the Interact Club Certification Form
- Email the completed form to [email protected]
Sponsoring Rotary clubs must update the contact information of an Interact club adviser annually in My Rotary to maintain the club’s active status and to continue receiving resources from Rotary International.