Innovative Buy Local Program Benefits Vernal’s Economy and Boosts Club Membership

In April of 2020 Vernal’s businesses were struggling due to closures and COVID-19 restrictions. Anxiety was at an all-time high. That’s when the Vernal Rotary Club sprang into action by sponsoring the “Shop Local & Win Contest” through their Facebook page. The goal: boost sales for local businesses during the pandemic. Community members were invited to:

  • Follow Vernal Rotary Club’s Facebook Page
  • Like the posts
  • Make purchases at local stores and enter the ”Shop Local & Win Contest” by submitting a receipt from the current week for a chance to win a prize.

Prizes were purchased from local businesses. Club members then used Facebook Live to conduct drawings and announce winners.

The contest, originally scheduled for four weeks, went six weeks due to additional donations from the Community! The Facebook page not only gave details about the contest, but also educated followers on the importance of shopping local, highlighted and promoted local businesses and their services, and educated followers about Rotary and what we do in our community. Posts were included which encouraged those interested to consider joining the club.

Through this innovative program, the Vernal Rotary Club built relationships with businesses for future endeavors, gained two new members, attracted followers which then increased our public image for future fundraisers and service projects such as our annual Coat Drive for gently used coats.

For details please visit our FB page at